Thriving with PCOS

Get the resources you need to change your life.

$297 $97 for the first 5 to purchase

PCOS can feel so overwhelming, life altering and scary. Many times the diagnosis comes without support or an insistence that birth control is the only option. 

The truth is there are simple tangible steps you can take to heal your body.

Don't believe the lie that PCOS controls your life. 

What you'll get:

  • 5 modules each full of lessons to take in at your own pace 
  • Over 5 hours of teaching including video, audio, and written content
  • breakdown of weekly steps to change your life
  • Access to an exclusive community of women healing PCOS so you don't feel alone on your journey 
  • Access to additional workshops and Q&A in the community
  • Understand the root cause of PCOS
  • Knowledge of the cause of symptoms associated with PCOS
  • Simple steps to help your body heal
  • Increased awareness of your body and what it is telling you
  • Knowledge on how to fuel your body well

How you'll feel:

  • Increased energy
  • Regular cycles
  • Clear skin
  • Thicker hair
  • Regulated weight
  • Less anxiety and depression
  • Increased fertility
  • Painless cycles
  • Better sleep
  • Less body hair
  • Resilience to stress

Bonus: Limited time offer!

1:1 with me! Let's create a customized plan specific to your needs. Limited bookings available.


What People Are Saying:

My period became completely normal every 28 days this is freaking amazing! My whole life never ever has it been regular I would go months without it. All of my tests at the doctors office were 100% better. I am now 29 weeks pregnant with my daughter Nivea and everything is going well, she is healthy and moving and growing. We had been trying to conceive for 10 years. Eliza has been my cheerleader the whole way and has been amazing.


Eliza has been a great friend and resource in my journey with balancing my hormones. I was diagnosed with PCOS and struggled with infertility for many years. Meeting with Eliza and sharing my desire to have another child but wanting to do things naturally she jumped right into helping me. As we made changes to my diet, lifestyle and more I began to see changes in my cycle. It definitely wasn’t a quick fix and took time but today I am so thankful and grateful to say that I am currently 36 weeks pregnant!!


Thank you so much for your knowledge and all the help in my health journey. I am feeling like my old self again and just so so amazed!!! No more weakness or exhaustion!


$97.00 USD

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