My Story


For years I battled depression. It wasn't until after I had my first son that it became so severe I saw my doctor. She was so sweet. She ran a bunch of tests and told me everything looked fine and the intense moods, fatigue, and hopelessness was due to a deficiency in calories from breastfeeding.  

I didn't know anything. All I knew to do was trust the doctor. So I did. I suffered for years. Debilitating fatigue, migraines, unstable moods, postpartum depression, miscarriage, irregular painful heavy cycles...

They told me everything was fine so I didn't go back. I accepted it as normal. 

I remember the day I finally went back to another doctor, it was after my 4th baby, and I knew something was desperately wrong. I was so tired, an exhaustion so deep it was affecting every part of my life. I woke up tired every morning, I was irritable all day and couldn’t wait to get back in bed. I was having excruciating  pain with ovulation, my cycle was all over the place and PMS was intense. I had miscarried a baby. I was anxious and depressed. I knew I wasn’t myself anymore and I hardly recognized who I had become. 

I asked for a hormone panel. This doctor looked me right in the eyes and refused to test my hormones. She told me there was no point. "Of course your hormones will be off, you are a woman of childbearing age."

I left in tears. alone, unsupported, desperate. 

Looking back I am grateful. It was the push I needed to do my own research, write my own story, heal and support my body naturally. It is the reason I share, the reason I have a passion for women and hope for balance, energy and life. 

I realized that for years I had been living with what I thought was" normal". Now I know that just because it is common and so many women struggle in the same areas, it is not normal.

There is hope. 

I love walking this journey with other women.  

I am passionate about looking at the whole body, recognizing that we can’t separate the pieces of who we are, I love getting to root causes, resetting the body, nourishing it, and giving it what it needs to heal, balance, and function how it was created to.  

My goal is to map out simple steps with life changing results.  

This is a journey you do not have to walk alone.  

My heart is to walk with women through motherhood, fertility, conception, pregnancy, delivery, postpartum and finding hormone balance as a mother so you can live truly present, who you were meant to be as a woman and a mother. 

I am so honored to be a part of your story, empowering you to be your best advocate through encouragement and education. 

Start with answering a few questions and then book a time to chat. My heart is to give you hope and a path to walk, supported every step of the way.

Hormone Questionnaire

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Let's chat about your questionnaire, dive a little deeper into root causes and make a plan! I can't wait to get to know you better and introduce you to the most amazing community of women! Our first 15 min chat is free!

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