Why Grounding?
Nov 09, 2022
I get strange looks when I talk about grounding, the idea of being barefoot on the earth. It does sound strange.
But if you think about how we were first created to live, it was barefoot in the garden. Feet on the ground, connected and intertwined with creation.
Science seems to be catching on to the beauty of God's original design. There is purpose in how we were created.
Studies are now beginning to show that the connection between our bare feet and the earth benefits our body, mind, energy and emotions. Everything living has electric charges, us included. We can see that the electric charges from the earth have an amazing effect on our body.
Grounding influences our immune system, our ability to heal, increases energy and better sleep due to it's influence on circadian rhythm, boost in mood and feelings of calm, decreased inflammation and pain and hormone balance.
Walking barefoot or laying on the earth or getting into water like lakes, streams and oceans all have a grounding effect.
In my gentle morning routine I walk outside first thing in the morning and get my feet on the ground and my face to the sun. There is nothing like starting your day grounded, energized, calm and with your body and mind connected and working optimally.
If you are feeling anxious, worried, tired or stressed in the day take a minute to do some grounding, deep breaths, mindfully focused on what you are grateful for and reset your day, reset your mood, reenergize your mind and body.
Isn't God so cool? He has given us everything we need in creation, made just for us.
It costs nothing to take your shoes off and pause.