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Wellness Wednesday

Sep 23, 2020

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:  PCOS

That thing they tell you you have when you don't ovulate, your cycle is all over the place, maybe you don't even have one for months. The male hormones in your body are too high and are causing everything to be off. 

  • long cycles
  • facial hair
  • body hair
  • hormonal acne
  • thinning hair
  • weight gain
  • infertility
  • miscarriage
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • sleep issues
  • cancer
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • obesity

So many of you shared with me this week that this is something you struggle with, or you know someone who has it, or you listed symptoms that make me think this may be the problem. 8-20% of women have PCOS. For some it is hereditary, for some a rebound response from birth control, it can be secondary to insulin resistance or a chronic state of inflammation. Often the food we eat and the chemicals we are exposed to in our environment and culture are a large contributing factor. 

Progesterone is almost non existent as cortisol (the stress hormone), estrogen and testosterone take over. Your thyroid and adrenals slow increasing the symptoms.  

Friend, there is hope!!

It starts with the food you are using to fuel your body! Sugar is the first thing that must go, completely! Especially if insulin resistance and diabetes has set in or caused PCOS in the first place. 

Manage stress, increase sensitivity to insulin, feed your adrenals, support the thyroid, and add in natural progesterone until your body tells you it is balanced. 

Its a journey worth taking. Restored wellness and balance is always worth the sacrifice. We are there every step of the way.

Take Our Hormone Questionnaire!