The battle of depression
Sep 11, 2020
I just got off a video call with a new friend. My heart immediately felt the depth of depression she was feeling. I know it so well. I've walked that out. Battled it many times.
The fatigue so crushing you'd rather die than get out of bed. The guilt of just not wanting to engage. Wondering why if everything is fine why can't I be happy. Asking over and over, "what is wrong with me?" Hiding behind fake smiles, pretending you are ok when you really are far from it. Afraid to say out loud the heaviness you feel.
It's a lonely place to be.
As I hung up, I thought, "Lord, if the journey You walked me through was for this. I am grateful".
We might never know the purpose of what we walk through. Our view is so small. God sees it all and in that I choose to rest. Sometimes though, we get to see a glimpse of the plan. If my battle was so I can walk with other women in their darkest days then I am grateful.
If you are battling depression please reach out. There is hope. There are tools to bring your body into balance. There is a space you can step into, a place where you are not alone. I'd be truly honored to walk your journey with you.