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Talk about overwhelmed

Sep 18, 2020

Today, I almost couldn't even take a breath. So afraid that if I made one wrong move everything would crumble. Maxed out and someone needing something from every direction. 

Isn't it amazing how much one person can juggle? Some days it all goes just fine and some days... well, not so good.

I was reading in Luke about the ministry of Jesus. How he had to actually get into a small boat and push out a little ways into the water because he was being pressed from all sides. Can you even imagine the amount of physical and emotional energy it would take to to be physically pressed from all sides and for each person to be reaching out with a desperate need only you could address? People were always crowding, pushing, wanting to be healed, needing something from Him. Energy was always being expended on the behalf of others.

So many intense pressing needs all of the time. Sometimes motherhood can feel that way. No personal space, someone always pressing in . No time, someone always needing you. So tired, all your energy being poured out.. 

It can feel so overwhelming, like you are running on empty and can't possibly give anymore. 

So let's take a look at how Jesus handled it in Luke 5:16 

"So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed".

He stepped away to be filled by His Father. He knew He didn't have the strength on His own.

Filled, overflowing, grace for the day, more than enough.

Step away.

Pray, be filled, breath. His grace is sufficient and His strength made perfect in our weakness.