Reset, lower stress, reduce anxiety
Sep 06, 2021
I remember the day I ordered all the things for my reset.
I felt like I wasn’t even myself. I’m usually pretty laid back. I can handle a lot and don’t get phased easily. I always thought I thrived on adrenaline. I could handle stressful situations well. I mean seriously, I homeschool 5 kids, work as a nurse, ride horses...
I’m not sure when it shifted. It must have been a slow change until one day I realized it felt like I was drowning. Every little thing threw me over the edge. My anxiety was extreme and constant. I was snappy and irritable. I wasn’t sleeping well even though I was exhausted.
I had recommended this reset and walked so many through it with amazing change. I just never felt like I needed it myself. Until that day. It dawned on me, this is cortisol. It’s running rampant through my body. I felt anxious, stressed, crazy!
I noticed a shift about a week into the reset. That feeling of drowning was subsiding. Slowly it felt like I was emerging from the chaos inside that was overwhelming me. 3 weeks in I remember being able to take a full, deep breath. Anxiety faded away, I started falling asleep and staying asleep, my energy increased. It felt amazing. Honestly, I’m most grateful that my moods stabilized. I wasn’t snapping at the people I loved the most. I was able to pause and be present without the anxiety and irritability.
It’s not magic. It’s giving your body the tools it needs to reset, replenish and balance. It’s how we’re were meant to feel, we’ve just lost sight of it in the “normal” chaos we choose to accept. It may be common, but it's not normal!
I’m so excited to be offering this reset and I hope you join me. It’s a 2 month reset. Expect text messages daily for the first 30 days and weekly after that. Plus an online support group and weekly zooms if you want to join! I’d also love to schedule a time to chat just you and me.
Here is the link to order!
Want more info on what I use?
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If you’d like a personalized plan just fill out this questionnaire
Then schedule a 15 min initial phone or video call here.
Let's walk through this together!