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Replacing old habits

Mar 16, 2021
How many times have you decided to get rid of something? Maybe ditch an old habit? Something that drains your energy and is toxic to your body, soul, or mind? 
If you’re like me it works for a bit and then that old habit creeps back in. 
I had a revelation today!
Those things can’t just be ditched. They have to be replaced!
You can’t leave a space there, empty, needing to be filled, waiting for that toxic, negative, life draining thing to come back. 
That space needs to be filled! What is life giving and can fill that space?
Something good and beautiful, beneficial for your mind, body and soul.
Don’t leave those spaces empty without intention! 
What are you trying to give up? I’d love to chat ideas on how to fill those spaces with balance, wellness, purpose.  
Supplements like B vitamins and minerals and antioxidants can fuel your energy so you don't look for those old ways to boost energy like sugar and caffeine. 
Screen use at night disrupts your melatonin and sleep patterns. Change out those screens for reading or music, painting, journaling, yoga... What brings you joy?
I'd love to come along side you with a tangible plan, encouragement, baby steps to wellness. Let's do this together!
or schedule a 30 minute free consult:
Matthew 12:44-45