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Sep 25, 2020

This a picture of my boy and his horse. Well, it was his horse. We had to make the near impossible decision to sell him to our friends. Red was amazing but just not the right fit for us. 

Want to talk about my heart getting ripped out? To see the sadness and pain on my sweet boys face as we made this decision, made only harder by his brave words, "I think they would be the right family for him".

We bought Red a few months ago. We learned so much and really grew to love him. As we dropped him off at his new home, the perfect fit for him, and the exact thing his new owner needed, it hit me. 

Sometimes the hard things we go through in life aren't even about us. Of course the Lord uses them to grow us. He uses them for our good and for His glory. Sometimes though, we aren't the main character in the story. 

We were a vessel, a space to hold Red until his new horsey mom was ready for him. 

How often is that happening all around us? Our own narrative centered on us and missing the part we are playing in the stories of those around us. How cool would it be to look up from our own disappointment and see the blessing we were to someone else. 

Perspective shifted, disappointment turned into joy.