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Food Heals

Oct 02, 2020

“Every time we eat or drink, we are either fighting disease or feeding it.” (Heather Morgan). 

I heard this quote recently and it really stuck with me. The statement is so convicting and so true. 

In today’s society it seems that there is a disconnect between food and disease. We look at these things as if they are independent from each other. However the truth is, they are intimately intertwined. Every single cell in your body is comprised of the nutrients you take in. We very literally are what we eat. When you feed your body the proper nutrients, you are feeding your cells so that they can function optimally. Likewise, when you feed your body poor nutrients, your cells function poorly. This leads to an affect that cascades into the throws of disease. 

Let me explain. Your cells are the smallest components of your body that come together and ultimately make you, you. Cells come together to create tissue, tissue comes together to create organs, organs work together to create organ systems, and organ systems come together to create the human organism. That’s you. 

You need a sufficient amount of high quality and diverse nutrients in order to fuel and build your cells. Without this nutrients the function of the cells begins to decline. This leads to weak organs. As the cells of the organs are unable to properly process and remove waste, toxicity begins to set in. This leads to impaired function of the organs which affects all processes and systems within the body. The cells are now no longer able to repair or rebuild themselves, so the body systems begin to degrade. This is when you start to feel symptoms, impairments, and discomfort. Typically this leads into the final step which is a diagnosis of disease by a medical professional. Many of the various diseases we face in modern civilization are a direct result of the degradation of our nutrition. 

But friends, there is hope! You have the power to take your health back. You can prevent and manage disease by flooding your body with the nutrient-dense, healing, life-giving, whole foods that were intended for you to thrive on. You can reverse the effects of poor nutrition down to the cellular level by getting proper nutrients. 

You have the power to heal your body from the inside out. And we have the desire to help you succeed!