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Nov 28, 2019

I don't know why holidays are always so hard. I want them to be so perfect yet they arrive too quickly and catch me unprepared. I scramble, too late to put into action all the last minute things that would have made it perfect. 

Today felt different. Its Thanksgiving. My husband is at work, in a family of two nurses we are used to celebrating on random days. That doesn't mean that on the day I don't usually struggle with anxiety over how it should have been. Except this year. 

Today I just let it be. I let go of that false sense of control I hold so tightly to. It was the best day. I am so grateful for a sweet friend that made homemade cranberry sauce and brought over all the fixing for turkey sandwiches. She didn't know that homemade cranberry sauce is my favorite or that my grandma made hers with orange juice too. She didn't know I'd much rather have a turkey sandwich than the heavy traditional thanksgiving meal. But, God did. 

We sipped coffee, ate sandwiches and enjoyed the "peace" of 6 boys wrestling and one tiny princess cheering them on. 

in the evening I asked the question, "what does my family love to do" instead of asking what it "should" look like. So we ate homemade stir fry and played games. We laughed and the baby stood in the middle of the table, our very own live turkey.  

So today I'm Thankful.