Mar 02, 2021
It's been so clear. The Lord's been asking me to let go of something. give it up, lay it down, walk away, don't look back.
I'm pretty good at pretending I don't hear. Rationalizing why I can't, making deals, trying harder but not giving it up. Anyone else?
Finally I let it go. It was so hard!
You guys!!!
He gently took it, the burden, the distraction. He replaced it with freedom.
He poured new life into me. Clarity, renewed energy, inspiration.
Why do I hold so tightly to the things of this world? The momentary pleasures? The escape? The things that hold me back from the fullness that God has?
What are you being asked to give up? What are you holding so tightly to as the Lord gently holds out His hand and asks you to relinquish it? Friend I can tell you that nothing this world has is worth holding on to. Nothing compares to the freedom and peace that is being offered in it's place.
I can't believe how light I feel.
Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2